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【主  题】 Production Planning Models Motivated by Biopharmaceutical Perfusion Manufacturing

【报告人】 Dan Bu,

                   Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, University of California at Berkele

【时  间】  2015年1月20日(星期二)14:00-15:00

【地  点】 上海财经大学统计与管理学院大楼1208室

【语  言】 英文

【摘  要】 Motivated by a specific type of semi-batch biotechnology manufacturing, perfusion, we consider a continuous time infinite horizon lot-sizing model where a single product is manufactured on a single machine.  Each time manufacturing restarts, a random production rate is realized, and production continues at this rate until the machine is shut down. The random production rate is known as soon as production starts. We show that for a simplified perfusion process, given the objective of minimizing average cost per unit time, or total discounted cost, it is optimal to produce up to the same inventory level regardless of the realized production. Also, we propose a pseudo (S, s) policy for the Markov decision model under a detailed perfusion process.